В далеком 1987 году Ваш покорный слуга участвовал в международной научной конференции 

The XXIV International Summer Seminar 1987 "Planning in a Changing World - National Experience and Economic Theory". Papers by Foreign Participants. – Institute for the Economy of Developing Countries, University of Economic Science “Bruno Leuschner”. - Berlin, German Democratic Republic,1987

с докладом 

Macroeconometric Prognosis of Ethiopia's Development until 2000.

В небольшой комнатке собралось человек 13 из разных стран мира и обсуждали свои доклады.  Молодые ученые из Болгарии, ГДР, Сирии, Австралии, СССР и др. говорили каждый о своем направлении научной работы, после доклада мы бурно обсуждали предложенную тему, если там было что обсуждать. Рабочий язык - английский.

Как-то так получилось, что мы подружились с Картиком Роем из Австралии. Вместе ходили по берлинским кинотеатрам, а главное - обменялись адресами и начали переписку. Мы решили "замутить" что-то совместное, достаточно значимое.

Картик предложил создать Международный институт изучения развития. Институт был зарегистрирован в Калькутте, на родине моего товарища, сейчас место  регистрации этой некоммерческой организации - Брисбейн (Австралия). Мне была предложена роль директора Департамента исследований стран Европы (были разные вариации). Сейчас я директор московского представительства International Institute for Development Studies (IIDS), Australia.

Некоторые материалы московского представительства на английском языке:


Secretary : Anatoly V. Sidenko Dr. Sc. ( ECON ), 
Professor of Economics, 
Finance University, Moscow 
Contact E-mail: asidenko@bk.ru; OKNEDIS@AHA.RU 
Contact Ph. + 7-925-5023648 

Secretarial Assistants: Here write down names of your son and daughter 

Aims and Abjectives: 
The IIDS is a renowned International Organisation dedicated to promote research in all issues relating to global development by promoting awareness among the its members and among the academic and business communities in Russia , in former soviet republics and in all Eastern European countries which were former Soviet Bloc Countries. We undertake extensive field studies for our IIDS intitiated research projects and also can gladly undertake such field studies on any issues, if we are asked to do so by our member institutions such as Universities, Government Departments and individual businesses as well as by individual groups of academic staff in Russia, former Soviet Bloc countries and in Eastern European Countries. We publish mono graphs, books, reports on 
various economic and social issues 

ThE IIDS Journal 
Our Head office runs a refereed international Journal called: INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF DEVELOPMENT MANAGEMENT ( IJDM ). Articles of those who are IIDS members have a chance of being published in this Journal proved these are approved by independent referees. All articles for publication in this journal must be submitted to the Moscow office of IIDS. The information on the procedure to be followed to submit an article for consideration for its publication in IJDM can be obtained by clicking on the "Link to the Journal " on the home page of the IIDS: (www.iidm-iidsaustralia.com). The 8th IIDS AUSTRALIA-IIMS International Conference on Development will be held in Bang Kok , Thailand from 17-21 December 2012 at the Hotel Montien Riverside. The information about the conference can be obtained from IIDS web site link ( www.iidm-iidsaustralia.com) and also from the conference announcement which will be forwarded to all of you shortly. 

Seminars, Workshops and International Conferences 

If any of our affiliated institution or a branch of our institutional member such as a University or a faculty of an university may wish to organise an IIDS International Seminar, Workshop or our Bi-ANNUAL IIDS International Conference on Development in July 2014 or in July 2016, we would be glad to help that Institutiuon to organise that Seminar, Workshop or Conference. 
When we organise a work shop or a seminar, all members of IIDS Moscow will be notified of that development and be invited to participate at the Seminar or Workshop. If any of our affiliated institution which has funds for undertaking research and development activities and wants our co-operation to prepare research projects and undertake relevant research activities we will do so and we will analyse data, prepare report and will publish the report in Russian and English language. Such books published in English language will greatly enhance the prestige of the member Institution and also of Moscow IIDS. We have enough research assistants to analyse data . For all our research and development activities the chairman of IIDS Head Office in Australia Professor Kartik Roy leads the investigating team as the Chief Investigator and in my capacity as the secretary of the Moscow office of IIDS , I am involved in research activities as Co-investigator in all projects. There has to be enough fund at the disposal of the affiliated Institution to pay for our travelling expenses, accommodation costs and daily allowances for us to travel to the host institution and to field work site. Also the cost of our research assistants and the administrative cost of running the project will have to be borne by the host Institution. The IIDS Moscow is a vibrant research intensive institution. So I urge all of you to join IIDS as members to make the IIDS Moscow as a premier research based Institution in Russia . 
IIDS Membership: 
For membership, there are following three categories: 

Associate Members( For those who are doing their Doctoral Works) 
Membership fees : Initially 150 US Dollars for 3 Years; 200 US Dollars for 4 years 

Full Members: ( For members of Academic Staff of any Tertiary Institution and Business leaders) 

Membership Fees: For academics, 300 hundred US dollars for 4 years 
For Institutions : 400 US Dollars for 4 years 
For Business Leaders: $500 US Dollars for 4 years 

An individual or an institution can become a member by filling in the membership form (see below) and by paying the membership fee to the Moscow office of IIDS. The information on the mode of payment can be obtained from Professor Sidenko by calling him on the phone number noted above or by sending a note to his e-mail addresses noted above. 

Anatoly V. Sidenko, 
IIDS, Moscow 

= Application form=


Office Address:

Sevenskaya Str. 23-63 

Russia 115516

Email: asidenko@bk.ru;OKNEDIS@AHA.RU 

Secretary: Professor  Anatoly V. Sidenko, Dr.Sc.( Econ)


Membership Form


I-------------------FULL NAME HERE--------------------------------------------------------------------

Institutional Address_______________________________________________________



Residential Address______________________________________________________-


PH: Landline:----------------------------------------Mobile____________________________


 Wish to be attached   with IIDS Moscow, Russia  as an  ASSOCIATE  MEMBER/ FULL MEMBER .

I request the IIDS  Office in Moscow to advise of the mode of payment  of my membership Fees for a period of 4 years in the first Instance.

( a) I am a Doctoral Degree student

(b) I am a member of the academic community

(c) I am a member of the business community

(d) I  represent the following Institution:


University/ Institute------------------------------------


Other Organisation


Please accept my membership application and confirm after the receipt of my fees, my membership of IIDS Moscow for 4 years initially


Signature of the Applicant


Персональный сайт академика Сиденко Анатолия Викторовича oknedis.narod.ru

Анатолий Сиденко

Телефон: +79255023648

E-mail: sidenko@bk.ru

IIDS, Australia http://www.iidm-iidsaustralia.com/index.php

International Institute for Development Studies (IIDS), Australia

Адрес: 31, Todd Street, Taringa East Brisbane 4068

Телефон: Ph. +61-7-33714247

E-mail: kartikr@ais.ac.nz



The  estimated airfares and other costs of attending conferences from Russia and Eastern Europe are are as follows:
From Moscow to Bangkok  return  : By ethihad Airlines: US Dollar 1140  at the current rate of Exchange
                                                    By Qatar Airways : US Dollar  880 at current exchange rate.
From  Budapest to BangKok return : By Qatar Airwars   around  900  US Dollar at current exchange rate.
                &nbs ... Читать дальше »
Просмотров: 277 | Добавил: Администратор | Дата: 09.05.2012 | Комментарии (0)


Dear Delegates , Colleagues and Friends,
On behalf of the  Organising Committee of the Eighth IIDS Australia- IIMS  International Conference on Development ( New Series ), we , in our respective capacities   of Chairman and Co-Chairman,   are writing  to announce  that the  above noted  Bi-Annual International Conference will be held in Hotel Montien Riverside in BangKok Thailand from December 17 to 20, 2012 and also  to extend to you a warm invitation to participate at the conference. Both  paper presenters and non-paper  presenters  are most welcome to attend this   Conference.  This year's Conference carries a Special Significance  for us and for IIDS as  in December, 2012 we will will  complete 20 years of IIDS International Conference which first  commenced at Bengal Taj Hotel in Calcutta, India in 1 ... Читать дальше »
Просмотров: 695 | Добавил: Администратор | Дата: 09.05.2012 | Комментарии (0)

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